Friday, December 4, 2009

Reniassance Art and Music

The Renaissance Era was full of art, inventions, and discovery. The era went from the 14th to 16th century. In this time period, many artists became available and they painted some magnificent pieces of art. The famous painting of Mona Lisa was painted by artist Leonardo da Vinci. This painting was the only painting in this era of a person smiling.
Another famous painting was the School of Athens by artist Raphael. The painting’s meaning is to describe knowledge. Each of the four walls in the painting means something different. They are as follows: Seek Knowledge of Causes, Divine Inspiration, Knowledge of Things Devine, and To Each What Is Due.
The artist Michelangelo painted Crucifixion of St. Peter as to show the pain and suffering St. Peter endured while being crucified. He showed details in the viewers’ faces to show the look in their faces that they knew someone was going to die.
An artist not heard of very often is the German artist Albrecht Altdorfer. Altdorfer painted mostly religious scenes and some landscape scenes. One of his famous paintings was The Resurrection. The scene was that of Jesus Christ coming back to life from the dead and showing the amazement on peoples’ faces.
Music in the Reniassance Era was developing more as the period progressed. Instruments such as the slide trumpet (similar to a modern day trombone) and the cornett were invented duirng this time period. Other instruments such as the transverse flute, the bagpipes, and the voil were also invented during this time era.
Music in this time period was mostly played in Cathlic Mass services and for special events. The most popular music was secular music. This non-sacred music was played for entertainment in the streets rather than in the church. Music was also first printed via the printing press during this time era.
Some composers of the Reniassance included William Bryd who wrote
Parthenia, Josquin de Prez who was hired bt the Queen of England to write music, and Claudio Monteverdi who made a series of books containing different pieces he wrote. There are many other artists and these are just a few to name.
The Reniassnace Era was full and music and art and in many ways, they related to each other. Beginnings of music and art in this era have shaped the styles and methods we use today.